Please Take Our Coyote Survey!!


2016-08-04 (2)

Press here to go to the survey:

Hello Neighbors:

Could you (and anyone/everyone in your household) please fill out A short survey: opinions, sightings, encounters with coyotes in San Francisco? It’s only 13 questions — and takes around 4 minutes! Even if you are not from SF, please take the survey — we are tabulating everyone — just remember to please include your zip code! 

The questions are simple and non-weighted, with a place to elaborate in one’s own words, making it a very personalized and more accurate survey. In other words, respondents will not have been primed with words which might influence their responses. 

We want to hear the whole gamut of human opinions and reactions, so we want folks who are both happy and not happy with the coyotes to fill this out.

We’ll be sharing results (anonymously) including some of the comments (anonymously) on the website. Thank you for helping! And please encourage your friends and neighbors to participate!

Janet for