Zoom Talk: Coyotes in San Francisco: Population, Family Life, Stewardship

For those of you who wanted to come and missed it, here is the Zoom Talk I gave on Tuesday for the residents of Telegraph Hill. It covers the coyotes generally in San Francisco, with a short aside about the coyotes on Telegraph Hill. I received great compliments on the talk, and I’ve been asked to give it again in several other neighborhoods, with asides on those coyotes, so I will post dates for those talks as they come up. My presentations are all based on my own first-hand observations, along with my own photos, videos and maps of those observations, with just a few exceptions. New in this video (not covered in my previous talks or videos) is a section on my observations and documentation of coyote population dynamics here in San Francisco: how the population is divided and situated into discrete territories, and some of their dispersals. I am now collaborating in a City-wide population study at UC Davis. [This is a copy of my posting on coyoteyipps.com]

Stop Coyote Killing Contest in Georgia: Sign the Petition

 Please sign the petition!!

sqjpbdqhnpmahjk-800x450-nopadKilling coyotes does not reduce their population over the long term. In fact, the number of coyotes will increase as competition for resources is reduced, so this killing spree is counterproductive.  In addition, killing coyotes in March will mean the pups who were recently born will be left to slowly starve to death.

This contest goes against the Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources’ mission “to sustain, enhance, protect and conserve Georgia’s natural, historic and cultural resources…that utilize sound environmental practices”.  Stop this killing contest immediately!

*COYOTES AS NEIGHBORS, by CoyoteCoexistence.Com, VIDEO in English-Spanish-Chinese

A “one stop” video on urban coyotes as neighbors, in English or Spanish or Mandarin Chinese. *PLEASE NOTE A PROTOCOL CLARIFICATION FOR WHEN WALKING A DOG (not addressed in the video): Your safest option always is absolute, total, all-out AVOIDANCE: Whether you see a coyote in the distance, approaching you, or at close range, leash your dog and walk away from it, thus minimizing any potential dog/coyote confrontation or engagement. If you choose to shoo it away, follow the guidelines in the videos, but know that what’s safest is unmitigated avoidance.

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A weekly updated BLOG with snippets about observed coyote behavior here in San Francisco, and other information about San Francisco coyotes: Behavior & Personality, Coexistence & Outreach, by Janet Kessler: Unveiling First-Hand Just How Savvy, Social, Sentient and Singular Coyotes Really Are!
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How To Handle A Coyote Encounter: A Primer


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